Une série de vases de pharmacie en porcelaine tendre de Chantilly

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Rudolf E. A. Drey, « Une série de vases de pharmacie en porcelaine tendre de Chantilly », Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie, ID : 10.3406/pharm.1971.7059


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A Set of eighteenth century Chantilly drug jars. In the eighteenth century ceramic table wares and ornamental wares began to be made on a substantial scale in porcelain, but pharmacy vessels continued to be made in the traditional tin-glazed earthenware. A notable exception is a series of soft paste porcelain drug jars of baluster form with polychrome decor of twin sprigs of berries, dating from about 1735, of Chantilly manufacture. Members of the series are to be found in museums and in private collections in France and in England. No other soft paste porcelain pharmacy vessels are known to us ; apothecary jars such as those produced for export in China in the eighteenth century, and in Paris and elsewhere in the nineteenth century, were made of hard paste porcelain.

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