Le pharmacien Juan A. Dominguez initiateur de la pharmacologie argentine

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Elena Pennini de de Vega, « Le pharmacien Juan A. Dominguez initiateur de la pharmacologie argentine », Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie, ID : 10.3406/pharm.1975.7459


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Pharmacist Juan A. Dominguez, pioneer of the Argentine Pharmacology Prominent argentine pharmacist (1876-1946), organized the scientific study of the local medicinal flora, the determination of their constituents and ists therapeutical use, following the line of research started by the pharmacists D. Parodi, C. Murray, J.A. Boeri and P.N. Arata. He attained his degree in 1896 ; he traveled specially through France and Germany ; anew in his country he began botanical researchs as Assistant in the chair of Arata, teaching « Vegetal Micrography » ; later used to classify plants (1897-1898). He was appointed Assistant Professor of Pharmacognosy (1899) ; he published his first scientific paper in 1900 : « Pharmacological study of the gum named « brea » ; later, " Contribution to the study of the ergot Sclerotium clavus D.C. ", from a plant of " Tierra del Fuego ", southernmost of Argentina. In 1903 he recorded his studies on the argentine medical flora in one volumen « Datos para la Materia Medica Argentina » by which he received the « Félix de Azara Prize » from the National Academy of Medicine. In 1905 he also received the " Scientific International Medal " from the " Académie Internationale de Botanique ". He donated to the Medical Faculty his very valuable herbaria and collections of drugs and woods and other argentine natural products that later would constitute the " Botanical and Pharmacological Institute " - now called J.A. Dominguez - being an excellent medium for cooperative laboratory work, promoting systematic and phytochemical research pertaining to medical plants with the participation of eminent professionals as E. Autran, E. Hassler, C.H. Hicken, M. Lillo, C. Spegazzini, L. Hauman, and for the teaching of and research in Pharmaceutical Botany an Pharmacognosy. In 1928 his 3 volume work « Materia Medica » was awarded with nie National Prize of Sciences. He was appointed professor of Pharmacognosy (1914) and he initiated the chair of Argentine Pharmacology (1921). On account of his great scientific work he was appointed Doctor Honoris Causa, the highest distinction awarded by die University of Buenos Aires. Dominguez organized the Botanical Museum, the greatest contribution to the argentine Botany : 500 000 specimens belonging to 40000 species, the 70 % of the argentine flora. It also contains the medical archives and the letters vith Humboldt of the famous french physician and naturalist Aimé Bonpland in part published by Dominguez.

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