L'histoire chez Michel Foucault. Le sens de l'archéologie

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Jozef Van de Wiele, « L'histoire chez Michel Foucault. Le sens de l'archéologie », Revue Philosophique de Louvain, ID : 10.3406/phlou.1983.6268


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The author's contention is that, according to Foucault, the so-called history of ideas has to be explained by the concept of discourse or of discursive formation. He begins his study with a short survey of some general ideas concerning the contents of Les mots et les choses, in order to show the genuine signification and primordial importance of the concept of discursive formation immediately. Thereafter he explains the significance of the thesis that Saussure's linguistics functions as a guide-science for the conception of man that characterises our present time. It is in the perspective of this thesis that the author then comes to the explicit description of the meaning and significance of Foucault's concept of discourse and of that of utterance as well; both, discourse and utterance, are closely connected and understood in a manner entirely proper to Foucault. In the core of the study the problem of history of ideas is then dealt with. It has to be conceived within the broader frame of the contemporary mutation of the concept of history in general; which mutation is determined by the putting into question of the «document» and the transformation of the latter into monument, and also by the replacement of the so-called global history by the so-called general history. Foucault's conception of history culminates in the fundamental notions of historical a priori, of archive and of archeology. Its most essential contention consists in the identification of historical a priori and discourse or discursive formation. Finally the author delineates Foucault's position briefly against the conceptions on history of Hegel, Heidegger and Dilthey.

par le remplacement d'une histoire dite globale par une histoire dite générale. Il consacre toute son attention aux notions fondamentales d'û priori historique, d'archivé et d'archéologie. C'est dans l'identification de Va priori historique et du discours ou de la formation discursive que réside l'essence de sa conception de l'histoire. Finalement l'auteur situe brièvement la position de Foucault par rapport aux conceptions de Hegel, de Heidegger et de Dilthey.

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