La crise du système éducatif sud-africain

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Anne-Marie Goguel, « La crise du système éducatif sud-africain », Politique africaine (documents), ID : 10.3406/polaf.1987.3846


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Crisis of the South African educational system. The crisis of the South African educational system, especially in secondary schools reveals the contradictions between three logics simultaneously operating. First, the government’s policy implies the maintenance of separation in education for different racial groups, one of the fundamental tenets of apartheid, untouched by reforms. Secondly, the business circles, ask for a better qualified work force, required for economic growth : to meet these demands, educational expenses are growing at a fast rate, but the realization of the principle of equal expenditures for each group appears still very remote, and given the increase of school population, the quality of education for non-Whites remains poor. The third logic is the logic of non white social actors : students and teachers whose aspirations and demands, stimulated by education, are confronted with obstacles coming from the existing social order and with repression.

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