Campagnes, bidonvilles et Banque mondiale au Kenya

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Jean-Marc Fontaine, « Campagnes, bidonvilles et Banque mondiale au Kenya », Politique africaine (documents), ID : 10.3406/polaf.1987.3871


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Countryside, shanty towns and world bank in Kenya. The overall results of die Kenyan economy have to be assessed in a social perspective : that of the contradictions between the different parts of the country (die different cash-crops growing areas) and especially die countryside and the city (Nat robi essentially). The general recommendations of The World Bank do not take these factors into account. There are two different rural migrations to the city : «modern» holders use urban resources and salaries to expand and modernize, whereas the poor can survive because they try to live off urban employment and not agricultural revenue. In the city there is another division to be found between the formal and the informal sectors. The latter is expanding very quickly but again these contradictions cannot be settled without taking the rural and migratory characteristics into account.

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