Herbert Dieckmann, historien et philosophe des Lumières

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Jacques Chouillet, « Herbert Dieckmann, historien et philosophe des Lumières », Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie, ID : 10.3406/rde.1989.1004


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J. Chouillet : Herbert Dieckmann, Historian and Philosopher of the Enlightenment. This hommage to Herbert Dieckmann, who died in 1986, takes the form of a detailed analysis of his work on the Enlightenment, accompanied by a bibliography of his writings (including his reviews) on the 18th Century. His work is studied chronologically in order to bring out the development of his interest in the 18th Century in relation to his own intellectual history following his exile from Germany. The article brings out in particular Dieckmann's invaluable contribution to Diderot studies and his rôle as a guide and pathfinder, not only in relation to the discovery and conservation of the Vandeul manuscripts, but also in his intuitions and editions of texts which opened the way for later research on Diderot in particular and the Englightenment in general. This analysis of Herbert Dieckmann's work is thus at the same time a history of Diderot research.

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