Diderot chercheur : du nouveau sur les emprunts faits par Diderot à la Bibliothèque royale entre 1775 et 1782

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Anthony Strugnell, « Diderot chercheur : du nouveau sur les emprunts faits par Diderot à la Bibliothèque royale entre 1775 et 1782 », Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie, ID : 10.3406/rde.1990.1048


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Anthony Strugnell: New Information on Diderot's Borrowings from the Bibliothèque Royale, 1775-82. J. Proust's study of Diderot's borrowings from the Bibliothèque Royale in 1768-75 could not go any further due to the impossibility of deciphering the codes used in the registers. Thanks to new research, it has been possible to identify 22 new titles borrowed between 1775 and 1782. They correspond to work on the Plan d'une université..., the Éléments de physiologie, the Principes de politique des souverains, contributions to the 3rd édition of the Histoire des Deux Indes concerning ecclesiastical history, and his preparations for a complète edition of his works. However, a last group of medical works, borrowed in 1782, cannot be linked to any particular project and is unexplained.

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