Le cycle d’activité chez Lacerta viridis et ses rapports avec la structure sociale

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Marie-Charlotte Saint Girons, « Le cycle d’activité chez Lacerta viridis et ses rapports avec la structure sociale », Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie) (documents), ID : 10.3406/revec.1977.4958


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The activity cycle, social dominance and their interelationships in captive populations of Lacerta viridis kept in open-air enclosures have been studied for four consecutive years in South Brittany. Green lizards are very sedentary, seldom moving very far from their shelters. However adult males and dominant females move more frequently than submissive females. Throughout their yearly period of activity, green lizards of all sexes, ages and ranks spent much time basking in the sun to increase their internal temperature, especially during prolonged periods of cool weather. In such conditions submissive females tend to «sun bath» for a shorter time than dominant ones ; they also climb bushes more often. Yearly egg production is also greater in dominant females.

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