Régime et disponibilités alimentaires chez le Putois (Mustela putorius L.)

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Martine Roger, « Régime et disponibilités alimentaires chez le Putois (Mustela putorius L.) », Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie) (documents), ID : 10.3406/revec.1991.2036


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The diet of the Polecat Mustela putorius was studied from 1984 to 1989 in different habitats and in relation to prey abundance, using scat analysis (N = 645). The three Polecat populations studied were living in different environments : two study sites were situated in the Atlantic region of France (Nouzilly 37, and Saint-Benoist 78), whereas the third was located in the Mediterranean region (Tour du Valat, Camargue 13). Although potential prey species differed between study sites (Tab. Ill), European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were present at the three localities — though at different densities (low at Nouzilly, higher at Saint-Benoist, very high but seasonal at Tour du Valat) (Tab. II). The rabbits were found to be the stapple food of the Polecat at the three study sites, small rodents and birds being of secondary importance whatever their abundance (Fig. 1, 2). At Nouzilly, for instance, rabbits made up the bulk of the diet, though they were not numerous and other potential prey species abounded. Polecats can therefore be considered as rabbit specialists at all our study sites.

Entre 1984 et 1989, le régime alimentaire du Putois (Mustela putorius) a été étudié dans trois habitats différents et contrastés, par analyse de 645 fèces, et en relation avec l’abondance des proies. Les putois consomment toujours principalement des lapins (Oryctolagus cuniculus) que l’abondance de ces derniers soit élevée, moyennement élevée ou faible. Les rongeurs et les oiseaux sont des proies secondaires. L’étroite dépendance entre le Putois et le Lapin est mise en évidence. Le Putois est un prédateur spécialisé du Lapin.

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