Les dynamiques contradictoires en œuvre dans l’administration française : un essai d’explication théorique

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Lucien Nizard, « Les dynamiques contradictoires en œuvre dans l’administration française : un essai d’explication théorique », Revue française d'administration publique (documents), ID : 10.3406/rfap.1980.1158


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The countervailing forces in French administration French administration is shaken by opposing forces which have to be articulated rather than distinguished, since a distinction would contribute to shaping them into two separate realities put side by side, but one incapable of explaining the other. With this in view, the author researches an explaining principle and the components for a theoretical model showing the reasons why French administration is committed to play an active political part on account of the more or less obvious functions it has to assume in the French political System and also by reason of its relations with the social body, the economic System, and what the author calls the ‘French cultures’ (meaning the cultural System).

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