La mise en place de la fonction publique en Hongrie

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István Balázs, « La mise en place de la fonction publique en Hongrie », Revue française d'administration publique (documents), ID : 10.3406/rfap.1995.2955


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Setting-up of the Civil Service in Hungaria. In the period previous to the change of regime in 1990, the Civil Service had shown some differences from the socialist model by giving more importance to professional qualifications and to individual aptitudes. In 1990, the change of the general orientation occured without compromising the quality of the administrative work, and the 1992 reform was made calmly. However, because Act XXIII of 1992 does not provide the whole Hungarian Civil Service whith a general framework, it is deceiving. It does not cover the development of the new system of initial and in-service training of civil servants. The particularism of the Civil Service at the local level is not enough taken into account. Finally, the absence of a general view of Civil Service management is problematic. To resolve these problems, it is necessary to consider a review of the Civil Service Act.

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