Proceedings. The Alp Convention between international law and implementation in federal structures : obstacles and perspectives

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Werner Bätzing et al., « Proceedings. The Alp Convention between international law and implementation in federal structures : obstacles and perspectives », Revue de Géographie Alpine, ID : 10.3406/rga.2004.2298


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: Since the ratification of the Alp Convention by 8 signatory countries and the EU in 1992 its implementation has been rather slow. Essentially, there are three reasons for this situation. Firstly, the Alp Convention continues to endure the stigma of one-sided Alpine protection. Secondly, the framework convention is so complex and in parts has become so inconsistent that it is difficult to convey its purpose effectively. Thirdly, the signatory countries have not managed to present a unified position while preserving the structural and cultural variety of the Alpine region. To overcome these obstacles the thrust of solutions will have go in two directions, i.e. inwardly, by producing guidelines that are of immediate concern and easy to communicate to the citizens of the signatory countries. Outwardly, a European policy for mountain areas, based on the principles of the framework convention, will have to be agreed upon in order to secure the EU's political and financial committment to the Alp Convention.

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