Local power and land-use strategies in mountain resorts : sustainability of local tourism development and the challenges of governance

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Thomas Duboeuf, « Local power and land-use strategies in mountain resorts : sustainability of local tourism development and the challenges of governance », Revue de Géographie Alpine, ID : 10.3406/rga.2006.2383


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: Tourist activity in areas of mountain tourism is threatened by the general increase in land and property values (probably exacerbated by the tourism phenomenon itself) : land and property speculation is such that it goes against sustainable tourism development. Furthermore, such speculation is more profitable in the short term than the business activities of the tourism sector in general. The links between local power and the actors in land and property speculation are complex since the latter are generally well represented on municipal councils. In such a context, is governance (public/private partnership in its widest sense) a tool that can enable tourist destinations to make a living from tourism in a sustainable manner (accommodation, services, etc.) instead of and property rents ?

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