Attitudes of the farming community towards the wolf, the wild boar and those in favour of their presence: a conflict of use and representation

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Coralie Mounet et al., « Attitudes of the farming community towards the wolf, the wild boar and those in favour of their presence: a conflict of use and representation », Revue de Géographie Alpine, ID : 10.3406/rga.2006.5595


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Because of the damage they cause, wolves and wild boar are exasperating for farmers. The perception that farmers have of the increased presence of these animals is different from that of their supporters, whether naturalists or hunters. By comparing the productive and recreational logics associated with these animals we can gain insights into these different perceptions and discover the processes that bring various actors into conflict through these two animals. At the heart of the issue for farmers is their loss of social legitimacy, the decline in their spatial influence and the feeling of domination by leisure activities.

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