Les paysans et leur logement dans le Sud-Ouest aquitain

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Pierre Duboscq, « Les paysans et leur logement dans le Sud-Ouest aquitain », Revue géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest. Sud-Ouest Européen, ID : 10.3406/rgpso.1976.3463


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Peasant homestead in South Western France. The autor investigates the recent changes in peasant housing and stresses that they are induced by the various changes which occurred at the farm level in both technical and economical fields. A statistical survey of Aquitaine — a region — shows that when peasants families plan money savings or decide to borrow funds they usually intend to invest on their farm in order to improve their agricultural implements or their housing conditions. It seems that at the elementary level of daily life those housing improvements make the purely domestic tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc.) easier so that the farmers' wives are able to spend more time on production (vegetable gardening, animal husbandry, peak season working in the fields, orchards or vineyards) which increases the family income. The state's policy, on the other hand, intends to increase the agricultural equipments and to enlarge the total yield potential and it is boosted by the Crédit agricole mutuel Bank's system of investment financing. Nevertheless there are in some places and in certain circumstances some affluent peasants whose housing conditions are really improving. On the long range, and without any consideration of the endeavour, most of them are legally stripped of their family patrimony (many heirs abandon agriculture) when they already suffer from the accumulation of debts and loans' interests. The future of rural homesteads and of their architectural features depends entirely on the future evolution of the peasantry itself.

Peasant homestead in South Western France. The autor investigates the recent changes in peasant housing and stresses that they are induced by the various changes which occurred at the farm level in both technical and economical fields. A statistical survey of Aquitaine — a region — shows that when peasants families plan money savings or decide to borrow funds they usually intend to invest on their farm in order to improve their agricultural implements or their housing conditions. It seems that at the elementary level of daily life those housing improvements make the purely domestic tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc.) easier so that the farmers' wives are able to spend more time on production (vegetable gardening, animal husbandry, peak season working in the fields, orchards or vineyards) which increases the family income. The state's policy, on the other hand, intends to increase the agricultural equipments and to enlarge the total yield potential and it is boosted by the Crédit agricole mutuel Bank's system of investment financing. Nevertheless there are in some places and in certain circumstances some affluent peasants whose housing conditions are really improving. On the long range, and without any consideration of the endeavour, most of them are legally stripped of their family patrimony (many heirs abandon agriculture) when they already suffer from the accumulation of debts and loans' interests. The future of rural homesteads and of their architectural features depends entirely on the future evolution of the peasantry itself.

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