Une «herdade» agro-forestière en Algarve, Portugal

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Aderito Rodrigues, « Une «herdade» agro-forestière en Algarve, Portugal », Revue géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest. Sud-Ouest Européen, ID : 10.3406/rgpso.1984.2990


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Uma herdade agro-florestal no concelho de Silves, Algarve (sul de Portugal). Descriçâo duma herdade mal gerada, mas florestal que agrícola, na serra xistosa algarvia. O inventario das actividades mostra un processo d'extensificaçâo : diminuiçâo da mâo de obra, desaparecimento do sequeiro, meio-abandono das plantaçôes, insignificancia do regadio.

A large forest estate in Algarve, southern Portugal. The author describes a herdade, i.e. a large estate, situated in the hilly schist district of Algarve. As many others, this herdade is devoted to forests rather than to agriculture and it seems to be poorly managed. The survey of its activities enlightens a process of extensification : there is a decrease in employment, dry crop cultures are abandoned, many tree plantations are left without enough care, and irrigated crops cover a small acreage only if compared with the total surface.

Description d'une « herdade », grand domaine mal géré, plus forestier qu'agricole, dans les collines schisteuses de l'Algarve. L'inventaire des activités permet d'y déceler un processus d'extensification : réduction de la main-d'œuvre, disparition des cultures sèches, semi-abandon des plantations, insignifiance des cultures irriguées.

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