The lacuna in Sallust's Jugurtha

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Leighton Reynolds, « The lacuna in Sallust's Jugurtha », Revue d'Histoire des Textes, ID : 10.3406/rht.1986.1270


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The text of Sallust, Jugurtha 103.2-112.3, which is missing in the earliest and best manuscripts of Sallust, needs more careful editing than it has received in recent editions. A more critical examination of the manuscript evidence suggests ways in which the apparatus criticus could be simplified and indicates places where the text should be changed or reconsidered. The source of these missing chapters is discussed and the suggestion that their recovery is connected with Gunzo of Novara is dismissed.

The text of Sallust, Jugurtha 103.2-112.3, which is missing in the earliest and best manuscripts of Sallust, needs more careful editing than it has received in recent editions. A more critical examination of the manuscript evidence suggests ways in which the apparatus criticus could be simplified and indicates places where the text should be changed or reconsidered. The source of these missing chapters is discussed and the suggestion that their recovery is connected with Gunzo of Novara is dismissed.

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