Comment Bavai ne devint jamais une place forte aux XVIIème, XVIIIème et XIXème siècles (A l'occasion du 3ème centenaire du Rattachement du Hainaut à la France)

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Henri Biévelet, « Comment Bavai ne devint jamais une place forte aux XVIIème, XVIIIème et XIXème siècles (A l'occasion du 3ème centenaire du Rattachement du Hainaut à la France) », Revue du Nord, ID : 10.3406/rnord.1977.3454


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H. Biévelet, How Bavai did not become a fortified town in the XVII., XVIII. and XIX. centuries. The little city of Bavai, the ancient capital of the Nervii was twice fortified. Once at the time of the Lower Empire and another time in the Middle Ages. One could have expected then Vauban to strengthen these fortifications in order to include Bavai in the defensive system of the Northern side of the "square field". On the contrary the famous military engineer declared the thing impossible because of topographical and technical obstacles and water supply problems. Roughly the same reasons were advanced by engineer officers in 1774 and 1824.

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