A propos de la découverte d'un trésor de fausses monnaies du XIIIe siècle à Rihour

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Pierre Léman et al., « A propos de la découverte d'un trésor de fausses monnaies du XIIIe siècle à Rihour », Revue du Nord, ID : 10.3406/rnord.1984.4020


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In Rihour, as the place has been named, was once erected a vast palace, built by the Duke of Burgundy from 1453 to 1465. One took advantage in 1980 of the digging works necessary for the construction of a tube station to open a campaign of archaeological searches, in the middle of what was once the central courtyard of the palace. This undertaking had a very precise goal as it ambitionned to make out levels of occupation prior to 1066, the date traditionnally acknowledged as that ot the origin of Lille. Hitherto the results have remained negative ; yet the archeologists were surprisxed to disclose a treasure containing 474 forged coins (studies by Jean Duples- sis), dating from the middle of the xinth century, a period of relative prosperity in Lille. The burying remains uo to now unaccountable. One should also stress that these searches were undertaken as part ot the supervision of the digging of Line n° 1 of the Lille Tube system.

In Rihour, as the place has been named, was once erected a vast palace, built by the Duke of Burgundy from 1453 to 1465. One took advantage in 1980 of the digging works necessary for the construction of a tube station to open a campaign of archaeological searches, in the middle of what was once the central courtyard of the palace. This undertaking had a very precise goal as it ambitionned to make out levels of occupation prior to 1066, the date traditionnally acknowledged as that ot the origin of Lille. Hitherto the results have remained negative ; yet the archeologists were surprisxed to disclose a treasure containing 474 forged coins (studies by Jean Duples- sis), dating from the middle of the xinth century, a period of relative prosperity in Lille. The burying remains uo to now unaccountable. One should also stress that these searches were undertaken as part ot the supervision of the digging of Line n° 1 of the Lille Tube system.

In het gehucht Rihour te Rijsel stond vroeger het grote paleis van de hertogen van Bourgondië. De bouw van een metrostation in 1980 maakte een archeologisch onderzoek moge- lijk van wat ooit de binnenkoer was. De hele onderneming was erop gericht lagen van voor 1066 (eerste vermelding van Rijsel) bloot te leggen. Men boekte op dit gebied geen enkel resultaat, maar men ontdekte wel een schat van 474 valse muntstukken (beschreven door Jean Duplessy) uit het middevan de 13e eeuw, een période van relatieve voorspoed in Rijsel. Men weet nog niet waarom de schat daar begraven werd. Deze opgravingen waren een deel van archeologische contrôle van metrolijn 1 .

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