Quatre siècles de systèmes de culture dans le Kent, 1500-1900

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G. E. Fussell, « Quatre siècles de systèmes de culture dans le Kent, 1500-1900 », Études rurales, ID : 10.3406/rural.1975.2051


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Four Centuries of Farming Systems in Kent, 1500-1900. The story of farming in the county of Kent during the four centuries from 1500 to 1900 is one of change and fluctuating fortunes — as in other places. The great monasteries who were farmers on a large scale in the early sixteenth century were replaced in the seventeenth by progressive landowners. The county was already famous for sheep and grazed some cattle, produced some milk and dairy goods. The introduction of hop culture led to a famous industry. Fruit, both bush and tree varieties, were introduced and became famous as did market garden produce in the North of the county. Romney sheep were bred in the marshes of that name, and other breeds were kept in the Isle of Sheppey and else-where. The Weald, formerly covered with forest, was gradually reclaimed and made into smallish farms, partly because of the heavy soil, mainly arable with rather low yields. The essay attempts to describe the methods of the farmers as they changed and were improved by new inventions, new crops that were introduced, and better ways of breeding, keeping and feeding domestic animals; and the economic and other difficulties that had to be overcome. It would be impossible here to set out all the events that are recorded in the essay. where. The Weald, formerly covered with forest, was gradually reclaimed and made into smallish farms, partly because of the heavy soil, mainly arable with rather low yields. The essay attempts to describe the methods of the farmers as they changed and were improved by new inventions, new crops that were introduced, and better ways of breeding, keeping and feeding domestic animals; and the economic and other difficulties that had to be overcome. It would be impossible here to set out all the events that are recorded in the essay.

L'histoire de l'agriculture dans le Kent de 1500 à 1900 est toute de changements et de fluctuations — comme elle l'a été ailleurs. Les grands propriétaires qu'étaient au début du XVIe siècle les monastères, furent remplacés au xvne par des exploitants ouverts au progrès. Le comté était déjà renommé pour ses moutons ; l'on y élevait quelques bovins et l'on y produisait du lait et des laitages. L'introduction de la culture du houblon favorisa une industrie qui allait devenir célèbre. Arbustes et arbres fruitiers furent introduits et acquirent eux aussi une grande réputation tout comme les produits maraîchers dans le nord du comté. On élevait des moutons Romney dans les marais du même nom et diverses races dans l'Ile de Sheppey entre autres. Le Weald, à l'origine couvert de forêts, fut graduellement défriché et divisé en petites exploitations en partie à cause de ses sols lourds pour la plupart arables mais aux rendements assez bas. Cette étude tente de décrire les méthodes de culture et leurs transformations sous l'impulsion d'innovations, de l'introduction de nouvelles cultures, d'améliorations dans l'élevage, la surveillance et l'alimentation des animaux domestiques ; elle montre les difficultés économiques et autres qui durent être surmontées. Il est impossible d'indiquer ici tous les événements rapportés dans cet article.

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