Un destin laminé : Yakov Braun, socialiste-révolutionnaire et écrivain

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Galia Ackerman, « Un destin laminé : Yakov Braun, socialiste-révolutionnaire et écrivain », La Revue russe, ID : 10.3406/russe.2016.2740


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Yakov Braun : a squashed destiny. This paper is an attempt to raise interest in a forgotten Russian­speaking Jewish Ukrainian writer, as talented as Isaak Babel or Gustav Meyrink, born in 1899 (or 1894 ) in Elisavetgrad. Socialist­revolutionary since his early youth, he was a prominent left­wing SR activist, constantly persecuted from 1921 till his execution in 1937. There are only three novels left of him and a number of literary essays. One of these novels, A Mob Law, was published in his lifetime, two others ­ found in the State Literary and Art archives ­ are typewritten manuscripts : together, they represent a vertiginous immersion into the Jewish provincial life under the Tsarist Empire and into the agitation and turmoil during the First World War, between the February and October Revolutions and during the Civil War. Yakov Braun’s life is emblematic of the Bolshevik treatment of the non­Marxist revolutionaries which aimed at erasing any trace of a writer who was close to Maïakovski, Essenine and Zamiatine, to name a few …

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