De la guerre "impérialiste" à la "Seconde Guerre patriotique" : l'espace mémoriel russe de la Première Guerre mondiale

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Konstantin Pakhalyuk et al., « De la guerre "impérialiste" à la "Seconde Guerre patriotique" : l'espace mémoriel russe de la Première Guerre mondiale », La Revue russe, ID : 10.3406/russe.2016.2747


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From «Imperialistic War » to «Second Patriotic War » : Spaces of Memory and Commemoration of WWI in Russia. The article is devoted to the memory of First World War in modern Russia. The author points to the dependence of public discourse of approaches developed in prerevolutionary and Soviet times, as well as «memory communities », emerged in 1990­ . The determining factor is structuring of this issue by patriotic and media discourses, as well as by current political events (crisis in Ukraine and pressure upon the political opposition). Patriotic discourse forges symbolic national unity by offering a common frame of interpretation and aims at establishing affective relationship to the past (feeling of pride for heroic deeds and achievements), while the choice of heroes and victories to be proud of in the symbolic space is left at the discretion of some community organisations.

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