De la confrontation à la coopération et à la prise d'influence : la politique de l'Eglise orthodoxe russe en Europe occidentales (2000-2010)

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Nikolaj Mitrokhin, « De la confrontation à la coopération et à la prise d'influence : la politique de l'Eglise orthodoxe russe en Europe occidentales (2000-2010) », La Revue russe (documents), ID : 10.3406/russe.2016.3119


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From confrontation to cooperation and influence : politics of Russian Orthodox Church in Western Europe since the 2000s. The article examines the development of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in Europe since the early 2000s. After a brief historical overview , the author the ROC’s change of policy from the middle of the 2000s as it began to a rapprochement with the European Christian churches and be increasingly in the European Union. The reasons for this change are multiple, from the of the head of the Catholic Church, to growth of " Orthodox tourism ", to the emigration from the former Soviet Union that increased the number and size Orthodox parishes, and helped the ROC to a victory over other Russian Orthodox in Western Europe. This expansion has been supported by logistical and aid of the Russian State, which envisages the ROC as one of its soft power The desire to play an active political role in Europe prompts the ROC to seek with mainstream European Christian churches. However, due to differences over their respective views on the role of religion in society, the ROC is often forced to ally itself with ultra­conservative movements and political forces.

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