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Philippe Didier et al., « Equilibres entre kaolinites ferrifères, goethltes alumineuses et hématites alumineuses dans les systèmes cuirassés. Rôle de l'activité de l'eau et de la taille des pores / Equilibria between Fe-kaolinites, Al-goethites and Al-hematltes in ferricretes. Part of water activity and pore size », Sciences Géologiques, bulletins et mémoires, ID : 10.3406/sgeol.1985.1715
In ferricretes, the nodulation, within the kaolinite soil-matrix, is often made up of Al-hematite, which replaces the clay through an epigenetic relation. From nodules to pisolites, the centripetal evolution yields a neoformation of Al-goethite at the expense of the early formed hematite. The final evolution of pisolites and the ferricrete dismantling correspond to a goethite forming stage. The distribution of kaolinite, goethite and hematite as well as the iron and aluminium contents may be controlled by pore size distribution and water activity. A model of calculation based on solid solutions equilibria and taking into account of water activity, is proposed.