Emploi de la conjonction de coordination i « et » lors de la formation des déterminants numéraux composés en bosniaque, croate, monténégrin, serbe (BCMS) [The Use of the Conjunction i ‘and’ in the Formation of Compound Numerals Functioning as Determiners in Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian and Serbian (BCMS)]

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Aleksandar Stefanovic, « Emploi de la conjonction de coordination i « et » lors de la formation des déterminants numéraux composés en bosniaque, croate, monténégrin, serbe (BCMS) [The Use of the Conjunction i ‘and’ in the Formation of Compound Numerals Functioning as Determiners in Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian and Serbian (BCMS)] », Revue des Études Slaves, ID : 10.3406/slave.2011.8128


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Upotreba veznika i u gradnji višečlanih kardinalnih brojeva u bosanskom, crnogorskom, hrvatskom i srpskom jeziku (BCHS) U ovom radu autor se bavi evolucijom upotrebe veznika i u izražavanju višečlanih kаrdinаlih brojeva (odnosno brojnih reči koje pružaju informaciju o tome koliko ima nečega na broju : osnovnih ili glavnih brojeva ; zbirnih brojeva ; brojnih imenica na -ica, izvedenih od zbirnih brojeva i brojnih prideva). U radu se daje istorijski i dijalektološki pregled bez koga se ne može suditi o današnjem stanju pisanog i govornog jezika. Autor takođe posvećuje posebnu pažnju (retkim) stavovima koji se nalaze u jezičkim priručnicima o tom pitanju i koji se uglavnom ne podudaraju sa jezičkom praksom u savremenom jeziku (ili savremenim jezicima).

The Use of the Conjunction i ‘ and’ in the Formation of Compound Numerals Functioning as Determiners in Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croatian and Serbian (BCMS) The paper deals with the evolution of the use of the conjunction i ‘ and’ in the expression of compound numerals functioning as determiners (cardinal and collective numerals ; nominal numerals in -ica, derived from collective numerals and adjectival numerals). The author gives the historical and dialectological overview without which the state of the current written and oral languages cannot be judged. He also pays particular attention to the (few) views concerning that issue contained in language textbooks. One of the conclusions of the paper is that those views generally do not coincide with usage in modern languages.

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