Village-based economic systems — the development of an irrigated area: Tha Ngon in Laos

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Christian Taillard, « Village-based economic systems — the development of an irrigated area: Tha Ngon in Laos », L'Espace géographique, ID : 10.3406/spgeo.1993.3185


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The main objective of this study is not to criticise the type of hydraulic system chosen for the area of Tha Ngon (combining protection against flooding, irrigation and drainage by pumping), although this is certainly worth scrutinising. This paper aims above all at demonstrating, with the help of an appropriate method, the logic and the specific motivations of the various bodies taking part in the project The contradictory character of their respective motivations should be exposed so that the peasants, who are major contributors to the project, should not be the main victims of the operation. The method used here consists in comparing the situation which prevailed in the area before development took place, to the various hypotheses selected during the planning phase, then to the actual results after a few years, by assessing the economic situation (i.e. working on the peasants' accounts at the level of the village) of the rural communities involved in the development

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