La réforme foncière au Laos. Une politique hasardeuse pour les paysans

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Olivier Ducourtieux et al., « La réforme foncière au Laos. Une politique hasardeuse pour les paysans », Revue Tiers Monde, ID : 10.3406/tiers.2004.5457


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Olivier Ducourtieux, Jean-Richard Laffort, Silinthone Sacklokham — Land reform in Laos, an hazardous policy for farmers Lao State launched in 1994 a land reform inspired by international aid donors and neighbouring socialist countries. It aims at increasing land tenure security, encouraging farmer's involvement in intensive farming and eliminating slash-and- burn agriculture so as to protect the forest. The land laws have shortcomings open to various interpretations depending on local social relationships. Since local specificities are not taken into account, the reform is counterproductive for both forest protection and farming modernization, and with regard to marginalizing the poorest farmers.

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