Influences baroques européennes dans l’art brancovane

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Maria Georgescu, « Influences baroques européennes dans l’art brancovane », Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (documents), ID : 10.3406/valah.2006.937


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The Brancovan style has developed under the sign of the Baroque -an artistic style manifested between the XVII-th and the XVIII-th centuries. For almost two centuries all Europe became baroque and through it, a good part of the entire world. The Brancovan style is famous in Europe through the assimilation of Baroque elements and trying an acquisition of new artistic conceptions, of a synthesis of influences. It was, though, a Baroque of a special essence, we can say a Baroque turned into a Romanian manner. Looking into the creations of different genres of the Brancovan art and trying to compare them with what is normally called Baroque, we notice that, this definition corresponds only to same artistic Brancovan manifestations, as for example, work techniques or some decorative motifs taken isolately : in sculpture and silverware, narrative motifs, pathetic and decorative schemes in painting. All these elements are part of a general compositional scheme, with a strong classic character. This study presents the European Baroque influences in architecture, in monumental sculpture, in wood sculpture, artistic genres that have known remarkable achievements in the Brancovan art. As far as the ornamental repertoire is concerned, the difference between western decoration and the Brancovan one, resides in the diversity of the elements used in the Romanian territories, the selection being made according to the Romanian decorative art tradition. The western influences prove to be, for the Brancovan art, prominent and this was done according to the general opening of the Brancovan times for forms, ideas and artistic conceptions of the western world.

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