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Marian Cosac, « Une réévaluation du contexte des découvertes d’ossements humains de la galerie M de la grotte Muierilor à Baia de Fier », Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (documents), ID : 10.3406/valah.2006.940
This paper underlines the possibility that the human remains in section A, belonging to the M Gallery from Muierilor Cave might be contemporaneous with the Aurignacian material found in the Main Gallery. Despite the fact that the human remains were redeposited in section A following a natural mechanical displacement of the sediment, radiometric dating allows the framing of a 29,000-30,000 BP time span of contemporaneity between the human remains and the Aurignacian material. Given this time span, the only similar cultural association of bone points, endscrapers and burins is o be found in Mitoc Malul Galben.