Paleolithic chert mines on the Avas Hill in Bükk Mountains, Nord-East Hungary

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Árpád Ringer, « Paleolithic chert mines on the Avas Hill in Bükk Mountains, Nord-East Hungary », Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (documents), ID : 10.3406/valah.2011.1088


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The first chert mine excavation on the Avas Hill of Miskolc, in the Bükk Mts NE Hungary, was conducted by Jenő Hillebrand, between 1928 and 1935. Hillebrand, originally, classified the phenomena to the Hungarian Solutrean. Later the dating became totally uncertain. The first real Paleolithic chert mine were unearthed since 1988 at the part of the Avas called “Tűzköves”. These belong to both two transitional industries, Middle to Upper Paleolithic. The first is a Bohunician-like industry with Levallois technique and the second is similar to the Denticulate Mousterian. The letter occurs also in Szeleta Cave at several levels. In 2004-2005 at the western part of “Tűzköves” any others chert mine and workshops have been explored. The interpretation of this chert mine objects exploited by fire-aided stopping and heat treatment, as well as that of the attached processing and camp sites are in progress. The heat-treated chert was used by some kind of prehistoric trade. The typical brown-grey striped, translucent, heat-treated chalcedony of Tűzköves was found in many sites of Bükk Mountain.

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