Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic tools from the Early Bronze Age in the region of the Curvature Subcarpathians

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Marian Cosac et al., « Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic tools from the Early Bronze Age in the region of the Curvature Subcarpathians », Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire (documents), ID : 10.3406/valah.2013.1143


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Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic tools from the early Bronze Age in the region of the Curvature Subcarpathians. This study brings into question the use of bitumen for hafting lithic tools from the Romanian early Bronze Age. Bitumen samples were mechanically recovered from the surface of two retouched slabs discovered in Adânca and Gorgota. The source of raw material is local and comes in the shape of thin menilit plates belonging to menilitian and disodilic shale formations within the geological formation of the Pucioasa-Fusaru Facies, a local variety of Subcarpathian Oligocene deposits. Bitumen is present in association with salt deposits near the sites of Adânca and Gorgota.

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