Créer est-ce « faire exister » ? (à propos d’Ovide, Métamorphoses I, et de la Genèse)

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Vita Latina






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Verb Biblical cosmogony

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Marie-Ange Julia, « Créer est-ce « faire exister » ? (à propos d’Ovide, Métamorphoses I, et de la Genèse) », Vita Latina, ID : 10.3406/vita.2013.1757


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The first aims of this work is to investigate the similarities between the creation of the world into ancient comosgonies and the Masoretic text, according to which the creation based on the breaking of the chaos. We will try to understand why the Septuagint and the Old Latin versions changed the expression - which is also found into the first Metamorphosis of Ovid - by using the verb gr. ποιεῖν, lat. facere and why after the Vulgate chose the verb creāre into the first verse of Genesis. The second aim is to determinate through the parallel between creāre and facere into the Bible, but also into Plautus’ verses, if creāre could not originally mean «to make » and not «to make something exist (from nothing) » and if it could not come from an agent noun, «who makes, creates, builds » , parallel to the Greek ποιητής « maker, poet, builder » and derived from the same root * kͪˠ ͪ i -«to make » .

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