Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier, 1783-06-24

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24 juin 1783

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CC-BY-4.0 , Bibliothèque Carré d'Art, Nîmes

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Thicknesse Philipp et al., « Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier, 1783-06-24 », Archives savantes des Lumières. Correspondance, collections et papiers de travail d'un savant nîmois : Jean-François Séguier (1703-1784), ID : 10.34847/nkl.3edb9pv6


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[fol.120] [Lettre de recommandation] My dear Sir, The return of peace (thank God for it) gives me an opporturity once more to pay my respects to M. Séguier and to convey them by the means of Lady Astley and part of her ladyships family who are on their way to Nice. Pray Sir lay open the doors of your valuable cabinet, and when you and her ladyship are in it ? Shall boast of having had the honor of closeting one of the best, and most respectable ladys of my country [fol.121 ] with the most ingenious and best man in France. I was ashamed to lean of your health by M. Marquet your neighbour and kinsman and if you wants books, or any thing from England, you know I have been, and will be punctual and when you go to heaven, pray take me along with you, I am sure I shall be let in (winner as I am) if I go in your suite. Misses Thicknesse and my daughter presents their respects and good wishes with those of mine and I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obedient and devoted humble servant. Phil. Thicknesse. Spa, 24 of june 1783. Cités Lady Astley Mary Wagstaffe (1760/1 – 18 February 1832), lady Astley.

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