Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier,1776-02-10

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10 février 1776

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CC-BY-4.0 , Bibliothèque Carré d'Art, Nîmes

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Thicknesse Philipp et al., « Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier,1776-02-10 », Archives savantes des Lumières. Correspondance, collections et papiers de travail d'un savant nîmois : Jean-François Séguier (1703-1784), ID : 10.34847/nkl.6d823rmu


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[fol.116] [Lettre écrite de l’auberge d’où il lui envoie des yeux d’oiseaux et où il lui parle des pierres sur lesquelles il y a des apparences de peinture.] Sir, I fear the bad weather will deprime me of the pleasure of seeing you here to day, I shall therefore stay at home, I pray for fine weather to morrow. I have sent you Sir, my bagg of birds eyes, and desire the favor of you to pick out a dozen pair of such as you most like. Misses Thicknesse and I, have talked of nothing, but those beautiful stone pictures, delineated by the hand of nature, and so finely copied by the hand of an able artist; which we had the honor to see yesterday at your house : - they are indeed the most [fol.117 ] perfect as well as most beautiful natural curiosities, I ever beheld. The ancients, I think, called pictures of one colour monochromi, - you sir, then posess the finest monochromi pictures of the world. I am not insensible of the lustre they receive from the adress of their posesser ; L’art de plaire dans la conversation I can fal, even where I do not understand the language – Long sir may you live to enjoy those rational amusements you have collected, and foul fetide those, who do not joyn in this prayer. Misses Thicknesse presents her most respectfull compliments to you and I have the honor to be Sir, with the highest esteem, Your most obedient, And devoted humble servant Phil. Thicknesse. Feb. 10 1776. Citée : Mme Thicknesse (Ann Ford, 3e épouse de Thicknesse en 1762 (1737-1834)

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