Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier, 1776-11-27

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27 novembre 1776

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CC-BY-4.0 , Bibliothèque Carré d'Art, Nîmes

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Thicknesse Philipp et al., « Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier, 1776-11-27 », Archives savantes des Lumières. Correspondance, collections et papiers de travail d'un savant nîmois : Jean-François Séguier (1703-1784), ID : 10.34847/nkl.aa8fmnak


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[fol.115] Lettre relative à des livres Calais the 27 of Nov. 1776. Sir, Your long looked for letter arrived here today. I was indeed in fear, least in so long a journey the books might set have found their way & my only consolation was that there were but few rogues who could make much of their booty with respect to Chandler, you will find the ancient inscriptions, and much amusement it is the style in, is what I chiefly object to. He does (to speak as a musician) harmoniously but you will his chords. I find the inscriptions comme il faut. I met with Mister Swinburnn at Barcelona, a very ingenious master of his pencil, was it the chevalier Gascogne with him ? I had a proof sheet last week i e the etching of my view of Montserrat and as it is done under the direction of the first artist, we have in London (Gainsborough) I flattes myself it will be admired. I will send you books to the messageries to Nîmes and I pray make no sample to employ me in whatever I can you. A man who has entertained all Europe as you have done, has an undoubted right to command all Europe as while it remains an atom of this corner of the creation be assured (?) I am truly your most Devoted and most obliged Humble servant. P. Thicknesse. Misses Thicknesse presents her respectable compliments.

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