Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier,1777-01-08

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8 janvier 1777

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CC-BY-4.0 , Bibliothèque Carré d'Art, Nîmes

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Thicknesse Philipp et al., « Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier,1777-01-08 », Archives savantes des Lumières. Correspondance, collections et papiers de travail d'un savant nîmois : Jean-François Séguier (1703-1784), ID : 10.34847/nkl.e877cy8m


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[fol.118] [Lettre relative à des achats de livre anglais] [Ph. Thikenesse] Sir, I am very sorry to find that the commissions which I have executed for you have been attended with an expence which has not answered your expectation; I have been no otherwise interested in it, than a desire to serve faithfully and diligently a man of your distinguished merit – you say Chanlers travels are sent incompleat – it is true; by you have the book you wrote for – you wrote to me (I use tour own words) “ for Chandlers travels into Asia Minor : now as I had never seen any of his travels, or the adverstissments, I could only write as you directed ie for his travels into Asia Minor. For it is not, I believe, a work of two vol is it ? But Chandler has published one book called his Travels into Asia Minor, and another into Greece. How therefore could you expect me to write for, as the bookseller to send a book you did not ever mention and of what I knew nothing of ? Suppose, for example, you had published your travels into Italy; in one book, and your travels into Spain in a second, and I had wrote to a friend at Paris, to send M. Séguier [fol.118v] Travels into Italy, do you think he could have sent also your travels into Spain ? Certainly not – Now this seems to be the case with me, and the bookseller I used your own words to him, and you will see by the enclosed billet written by him, that he had sent Chandler travels into Asia for had Chandler wrote The Ecclesiastical history. Surely, you could have been displeased, as I shared, had the bookseller sent all his works, when a part only we desired. Had you desired his travels into Asia minor, and Greece. You could have had both, but tel I had seen the book, I did not know he had traveled any these but into Asia minor. You will excuse my saying thus much because I really think the mistake lay will you, in not writing more fully, and yet it was very natural for you to expect all his travels into the Easters countries. The Bookseller Mister Brown live in the corner of Essex street in the Strand London, and is the only honest bookseller [fol.119 ] I ever meet with in that city, if you would have books sent you by sea, he will do it, upon your letter, reserving him to me for payment, which I will do as soon as he gives me notice they are put on board a vessel, but in these precarious times, I think it a great chance whether you get them. If you would have it sent to me and by me to Paris. I will obey your commands most wilingly. I wish you many happy years & beg leave to convoy same to our mutual and worthy friend M. d’Olive. Misses Thicknesse joigns with me in both. I have the honor To be Sir your most Obedient humble servant P. Thicknesse 8 of january 1777.

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