Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier,1776-09-14

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14 septembre 1776

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Thicknesse Philipp et al., « Lettre de Philipp Thicknesse à Jean-François Séguier,1776-09-14 », Archives savantes des Lumières. Correspondance, collections et papiers de travail d'un savant nîmois : Jean-François Séguier (1703-1784), ID : 10.34847/nkl.f3f9iu3g


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[fol.108] [Note & avis sur des livres anglais. La lettre est du correspondant auquel il s’adressait d’ordinaire pour cet objet.] Sir, I was so very uneasy I did not hear that the books you desired wer not arrived at Marseille for I assure you they were sent, that I ordered a fresh parcell over here, & they are now in my house at Calais, except Doctor Leathen Treatise on Canine Madress wich is, to use the book sellers phrase : out of print, however I lippe the other bock of the virtues of Cinnabar and Musk may be equally usefull. Enclused, I send yet the booksellers bill and yet may, when the books arrives, pay the money to my honest worthy friend M. d’Olive. I have taken a house in this town for one year, were I shall be happy to hear from you or to execute any commission you may have in England. You will observe that the books for you are marked thus *. In that manner shall I send them ? Shall they be sent durectly to [fol.108v] you at Lyon or to Paris and to them shall they be directed at other of those Inns where I have the honor of your answer. I will send them off. The freigth from London, for ab. of them, was three shillings and the duty. I have act yet paid, but no matter, so that your part is : [Acquitée le 7 octobre 1776 à M. d’Olive au moyen de 51 lt. 14 s de France] Gold coin £ 0. 9. 0 Silver £ 1. 1. 0 Cupper £ 0. 10. 6 Cinnabar & Musk £ 0. 3. 0 Freight £ 0. 1. 6 £ 2. 5. 0 I remember to have bought the silver coin for eighteen sillings, so the book is raised, or my bookseller let charged too much. Pray sir M. d’Olive I wrote to him very lately, and that I received his very kind letter a few day ago and will write to him fully versy soon. I wish tou had write also to Mister Birckbeck at Marseille and ask him wether [fol.112] ther is not a parcell of books come to his leeds directed to me. If so, they were sent. Let my book (now in the press) is published I let extract the honor of you giving it a dark corner in your library, and hope you will excuse the ask and manner in wich I have endaevourd to make your genius and virtues as to my coutryman, as they are to your own. Miss Thicknesse joigns with me a very sincer wish for your health as that me may live once again to see Nismes is one of the upper most thoughts Of your most devoted & obliged humble servant. Thickness Calais September 14. 1776 PS : If henceforth the other books arrive they may be sent to me and be put in my little book case, I do not dislike such books, you may be sure. [fol.110] Philipp Thicknesse esq. London sep. 3d 1776. Bought of M. Brown Snellings View of Golds coin £ “ 9. 5. Senllings Viex of Silver D° £ 1. 1. “ Snelling Viw of Cooper D° £ “10. 6. Millani list of the Army £ “ 5. 3. Annuals register 1775 8° £ “10. “ Johnson Dictionary 8° £ “ 10. “ Virtus of Cinnabar and musk in bite of a Mad. Dog. £ “ 3. “ £ 3. 4. 13 Sir, Snelling Coins are not to be had second hand neither can Dr Leathers Treatise on Canine madnesse be had any where. I am sir For M. Brown Your humble Serv. Stewart Brown bookseller. The corner of Essex street in the Stand.

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