Center for Research on Social Reality [Spain] Survey, March 1994: Attitudes Toward Immigrants

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19 décembre 1997


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Centro de Investigaciones Sobre la Realidad Social (CIRES), « Center for Research on Social Reality [Spain] Survey, March 1994: Attitudes Toward Immigrants », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR02032.v1


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This data collection is part of a series of nationwide surveys conducted from October 1990 to June 1996 in Spain. The questionnaires for each of these surveys consisted of three sections. The first section collected information on respondents' attitudes regarding personal, national, and international issues, and included questions on respondents' level of life satisfaction and frequency of visits with relatives, neighbors, and friends. The second section contained a topical module of questions that varied from survey to survey, with this survey's topic focusing on attitudes toward immigrants. Among the issues investigated were attitudes toward persons from different immigrant and ethnic groups (e.g., North Africans, Black Africans, South Americans, gypsies, East Europeans, and Asians), and attitudes toward immigration and its perceived effects on the economy and society. Respondents also were queried about friendships and work relationships with persons from different immigrant and ethnic groups, and Spanish migration to other countries. Questions in the third section of the questionnaire elicited socioeconomic information, such as respondent's sex, age, marital status, size of household, occupation, education, religion, religiosity, place of birth, and income.

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