Role of Trust in Risk Perception and Risk Management, April 1992

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10 février 1998


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Trust (Psychology)

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Paul Slovic, « Role of Trust in Risk Perception and Risk Management, April 1992 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR02181.v1


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The purpose of this study was to understand the nature of trust and its role in risk management. The survey was designed to assess the impact of trust on the management of a nuclear power plant. Subjects were asked to indicate whether their trust in the management of the nuclear power plant would be increased or decreased upon learning of 45 hypothetical news events. Each event was rated separately as though it were the only event, and respondents were asked to think carefully about how great an impact each of these events would have on their trust in the management of this fictitious nuclear power plant in their community.

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