Science and Technology-Based Economic Development Programs [United States]: A Study of Evaluation Efforts, 1996

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10 décembre 1998

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Julia Melkers et al., « Science and Technology-Based Economic Development Programs [United States]: A Study of Evaluation Efforts, 1996 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR02591.v1


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This 1996 mail survey was conducted to gather comprehensive information on performance measurement activities in state science and technology-based (S&T) programs, and on the perspectives and motivation of program managers in regard to performance measurement activities. Surveys were sent to the program directors of 75 programs in 50 states. Responses were received from 44 programs, representing 38 states. The survey was designed to gather data on both existing and planned evaluation and performance measurement activities. The survey covered three major areas: organizational information, evaluation activities of the organizations, and the use of evaluation findings. Questions soliciting organizational information included items on organization description, staff size, history, budget, funding sources, and primary audience served by the organization. Questions on evaluation activities addressed the type of descriptive information sought through assessment, methods for the collection of such data, reasons why performance is assessed, and knowledge of state requirements for the collection of performance data. Finally, a series of questions focused on use issues, specifically the organizational changes that resulted from performance measurement findings.

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