CBS News/New York Times Monthly Poll #3, October 1998

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This poll, fielded October 12-13, 1998, is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that solicit public opinion on the presidency and on a range of other political and social issues. Respondents were asked to give their opinions of President Bill Clinton and his handling of the presidency, foreign policy, and the economy, as well as their views on the United States Congress, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde. Those queried were asked whether they planned to vote in the upcoming November 1998 congressional elections, for which party's candidates they intended to vote, what issue was most influential in terms of their electoral decisions, the impact that the Clinton scandal would have on their choices, and whether their votes could be viewed as votes for or against Clinton. Respondents were asked for their opinions of the past year's congressional record, specifically, Congress's work in the areas of campaign fundraising, the economy, Social Security/Medicare, patients' rights, and the budget. Those queried were also asked whether Clinton should remain in office, resign, be impeached, or be censured if it were determined that he either lied under oath about his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, or asked her to lie under oath about their relationship. A series of questions was posed about the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry. Topics covered the length of the inquiry, whether Republicans and Democrats would be able to work together in a nonpartisan manner, and whether this inquiry and the prior investigation were sound uses of time, effort, and money. Additional questions addressed the impact of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal on Congress and on the Clinton administration, and whether Clinton could still be an effective president. Background information on respondents includes age, race, sex, political party, political orientation, marital status, employment status, voter registration and participation history, religion, education, family income, and age of children in household.

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