CBS News/New York Times Monthly Poll, November 1999

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21 mars 2000

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CBS News et al., « CBS News/New York Times Monthly Poll, November 1999 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR02870.v1


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This poll, fielded November 4-7, 1999, is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that solicit public opinion on the presidency and on a range of political and social issues. Respondents were asked to give their views on President Bill Clinton and his handling of the economy and foreign policy, the United States Congress, First Lady Hillary Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley, Texas governor George W. Bush, Arizona senator John McCain, publisher Steve Forbes, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan, Family Research Council president Gary Bauer, talk show host Alan Keyes, Utah senator Orrin Hatch, businessman Donald Trump, and the Republican and Democratic political parties. A series of questions addressed the upcoming 2000 presidential race. Topics centered on how much attention respondents had paid to the campaign, whether they intended to vote in a primary or caucus, and whom they expected to win the presidential election. Respondents were asked for whom they would vote in a Democratic primary or caucus, given a choice between Gore and Bradley, and for whom they would vote in a Republican primary or caucus, given a choice among Bush, Buchanan, Forbes, McCain, Keyes, and Hatch. Their views were also sought on a planned Reform Party primary with the following contenders: Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, actor Warren Beatty, Buchanan, Trump, and Reform Party founder Ross Perot. Respondents were given several presidential match-ups and asked for whom they would vote in each scenario. Those queried were also asked which political party they felt was best equipped to make decisions regarding the economy, Social Security, the environment, Medicare, the tax system, the military, the federal budget, health care, education, and family values. Additional topics covered respondents' views on abortion, the correlation between a political candidate's stance on abortion and the likelihood of the respondent voting for that candidate, the role of the Reform Party in United States politics, and respondents' interest level in professional sports. Background information on respondents includes age, sex, race, Hispanic descent, political party, political orientation, voter registration and participation history, education, religion, marital status, age of children in household, and family income.

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