CBS News New Hampshire Primary Poll #2, January 2000

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This special topic poll, conducted January 28-30, 2000, was designed to assess respondents' views on the upcoming presidential election and New Hampshire primaries. Residents of the state of New Hampshire were asked to give their opinions of President Bill Clinton and his handling of the presidency, as well as their views of former President George Bush. Respondents were asked whether they intended to vote in the New Hampshire presidential primaries to be held February 1, 2000, and what their opinions were of Democratic candidates Vice President Al Gore and former New Jersey senator Bill Bradley, and Republican candidates Texas governor George W. Bush, Arizona senator John McCain, publisher Steve Forbes, radio talk show host Alan Keyes, and Family Research Council president Gary Bauer. Those polled were asked which candidate they intended to vote for and which candidate they thought would win, and whether they had ever considered voting in the opposing political party's primary. Respondents were further asked whether they watched or listened to the January 26, 2000, presidential primary debates, which candidate they thought won the debates, and which candidate could be trusted. Additional questions relating to the presidential campaigns probed respondent views on the candidates' use of their campaign time, the amount of attention respondents had given to the campaign, and whether they had seen any of the candidates in person. Additional survey items focused on abortion, the most important problems facing the country, and whether a flat or graduated income tax system was preferable. Background information on respondents includes age, gender, political party, political orientation, voter registration and participation history, marital status, education, religion, race, Hispanic descent, computer and Internet access, military service, years as a resident of New Hampshire, and household income.

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