ABC News/Washington Post War Poll #3, December 2001

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This special topic poll, conducted on December 18, 2001, was designed to elicit respondents' opinions on the general performance of President George W. Bush and the United States Congress, the ongoing war on terrorism, and the effects on respondents' lives of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Respondents indicated their level of approval of George W. Bush as president, and in particular his handling of the nation's economy and the military action in Afghanistan. Respondents also indicated their level of approval of the United States Congress, whether United States should go in the direction Bush or the Democrats in Congress wanted to lead it, the most important problem that Congress should deal with in 2002, and their level of satisfaction with the amount of attention Congress had paid to various topics. Regarding the United States military action in Afghanistan and the broader United States war on terrorism, respondents were asked whether the most difficult part was over or still to come. Respondents indicated how confident they were that the United States would capture or kill terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, whether the war on terrorism could be a success without the capture or killing of Osama bin Laden, and whether they would prefer to see Osama bin Laden captured or killed. They were also asked about their level of support for United States military action against Iraq to force Saddam Hussein from power and against suspected terrorist bases in other countries, and whether the war on terrorism could be a success without the United States removing Saddam Hussein from power. Respondents gave their opinion on whether the activities of the federal government posed a threat to civil rights, whether the United States government was doing enough to protect the rights of average Americans, Arab-Americans, and American Muslims, and whether terrorist attacks had made respondents more suspicious of people believed to be of Arab descent. Respondents stated whether they were worried about more major terrorist attacks and whether the United States was doing all it reasonably could do to prevent further attacks. They were asked if they would be traveling by commercial airplane and, if traveling, whether their worries had increased or decreased, and whether they expected delays because of increased security. Respondents gave their opinion on whether the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, had changed the United States in a lasting way and if so, whether the change was for better or worse, and whether the cost of the war on terrorism would shortchange other needed programs. Finally, respondents indicated whether the terrorist attacks had changed their personal lives in lasting ways and if so, how, whether the change was for better or worse, and whether they were hopeful or fearful about what 2002 held in store for the world in general. Background information collected on respondents included political affiliation, education, ethnicity, age, and gender.

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