Washington Post District of Columbia Mayoral Election Poll #2, September 1994

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5 mai 2004


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The Washington Post, « Washington Post District of Columbia Mayoral Election Poll #2, September 1994 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR03857.v1


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This special topic, conducted September 23-28, 1994, was undertaken to assess public opinion prior to the November 1994 District of Columbia mayoral election. Respondents were polled on whether they were registered to vote in the District of Columbia, the probability that they would vote in the November mayoral election, whom they would vote for (Democrat Marion Barry or Republican Carol Schwartz), whom they were leaning toward, if they leaned toward Schwartz, was that because they liked her or did not want to vote for Marion Barry, and whether they were satisfied with the mayoral candidates. Questions regarding the Democratic primary addressed whether respondents voted in the primary and if so, for whom they voted, the reasons not to vote for Marion Barry, Sharon Pratt Kelly, or John Ray, the biggest reason not to vote for Marion Barry, Sharon Pratt Kelly, or John Ray, whether Marion Barry's victory in the primary helped or hurt race relations in the District of Columbia and to what degree, whether it was a good or bad thing that Marion Barry won the Democratic primary and would probably be elected mayor and how strongly respondents held their opinions. Respondents were queried on whether they felt that things in the District of Columbia were moving in the right direction, whether the quality of life in the city was improving, worsening, or staying the same, how well Blacks and Whites were getting along in the city, whether race relations were improving, worsening, or staying the same, the biggest problem facing the city, and the suitability of the city as a place to live. Those surveyed were asked whether Marion Barry was a good or bad role model for young people, to rate Marion Barry's ability to handle city issues such as dealing with the United States Congress, improving the image of the mayor's office, attracting new businesses to the city, dealing with problems of drugs and crime, and helping the poor, whether Whites should support Marion Barry to avoid further dividing the city along racial lines, whether Marion Barry winning the Democratic primary was embarrassing to the city, whether they believe he was a changed man, and whether they would have voted for William Lightfoot if he had stayed in the mayoral race. Demographic information includes political party affiliation, which ward the respondent lives in, the length of time the respondent has been a registered voter in the District of Columbia, whether the respondent registered to vote specifically in order to vote for Marion Barry, education, year of birth, ethnicity, religious background, frequency of religious service attendance, whether the respondent would like to move to Virginia or Maryland, whether a household member works for the city government, household income, employment status, and whether an immediate family member, or the respondent, had ever been convicted of a crime or had a problem with alcohol or drugs.

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