Central and Eastern Euro-barometer 4: Political and Economic Change, November 1993

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The fourth round of Central and Eastern Euro-Barometer surveys was carried out in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Poland, Romania, European Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. The surveys assessed public support for the European Union as well as for political and economic change by asking respondents to comment on conditions within their own countries, the financial situation of their households as compared to 12 months ago and their expectations for the next year, and their attitudes toward a market economy, general economic reforms, and the process of privatizing state enterprises. Respondents were also queried about their level of satisfaction with the way democracy was developing in their country, how much respect there was for human rights, and the nations or organizations they felt the future of their country was most closely tied to. Demographic data collected on participants varied from country to country and included information such as age of the household head, education, age when education finished, occupation, marital status, employment status, religion, mother tongue, ethnic background, vote intention, political party preference, union membership, left/right political placement, sex, household composition, region, and income.

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