Euro-barometer 42.0: The First Year of the New European Union, November-December 1994

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18 novembre 1997


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Humanitarian aid

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Karlheinz Reif et al., « Euro-barometer 42.0: The First Year of the New European Union, November-December 1994 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR06518.v1


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This round of Euro-Barometer surveys queried respondents on standard Euro-Barometer measures such as public awareness of and attitudes toward the Common Market and the European Union (EU), and also focused on the image of politics in Italy, nutrition and the risk of getting cancer, and awareness of the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO). EU matters covered included the powers, importance, and representativeness of the European Parliament, the protection of personal interests by the European Parliament, and the relative importance of European political policy areas in future elections. Respondents were also questioned on their awareness of outcomes in recent referenda for joining the EU. Questions on the image of politics in Italy included the respondent's awareness of politics in Italy and ratings of the political and economic situations in Italy. Regarding cancer risks, respondents rated 13 food items as increasing, decreasing, or causing no change in their risk of getting cancer. Respondents were also asked about their awareness of the ECHO logo, knowledge of ECHO's humanitarian assistance to the EU as a whole, to Rwanda, and to Yugoslavia, whether ECHO should increase its humanitarian assistance to non-EU countries, whether the EU, the United States, or Japan gives the most money for humanitarian assistance to non-EU countries, the most effective way for EU countries to give humanitarian assistance, and the level of involvement by the EU in distributing money for humanitarian aid. In France only, respondents were queried on their awareness and consumption of cola drinks. Demographic and other background information was gathered on the number of people residing in the home, region of residence, and occupation of the head of household, as well as the respondent's age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, religion, religiosity, subjective social class, and left-right political self-placement.

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