Euro-barometer 41.1: Post-European Election, June-July 1994

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28 juillet 1998


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Karlheinz Reif et al., « Euro-barometer 41.1: Post-European Election, June-July 1994 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR06535.v1


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This round of Euro-Barometer surveys queried respondents on standard Euro-Barometer measures such as public awareness of and attitudes toward the European Union (EU), and also focused on the election of the Parliament for the European Union, which occurred in June of 1994. EU matters covered included the respondents' general attitudes toward the European Union and, in particular, their interest in European politics, general efforts to unify Western Europe, their own country's membership, their level of satisfaction with how democracy was working in the EU and in their own country, and the level of involvement of the EU in important issues of the day. Questions on the EU Parliament election asked participants if they had voted in the election, and, if so, for which party they had voted. Respondents were also queried about their attitudes toward female candidates in the election, their feelings about important public figures in general, the role of women in decision-making roles within the institutions and organizations of the EU, the role of political campaigns in the election, and their interpretations of the importance of the results. Respondents commented on how strongly they thought of themselves as Europeans, their attitudes toward a single European currency, feelings about the unemployment problem and the possible need for a massive government program to tackle the problem, opinions on border controls and other political issues and problems, feelings about immigrants, the future role of Germany in the EU, and their level of confidence in the decisions of the EU. They also described the good and bad points of the European Parliament, its power, its effects on the lives of individuals, and whether the EU should develop into a United States of Europe. Demographic and other background information was gathered on the number of people residing in the home, size of locality, household income, trade union membership, region of residence, and occupation of the head of household, as well as the respondent's age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, work sector, religion, religiosity, subjective social class, and left-right political self-placement.

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