Washington Post Virginia Voters Poll, January 1994

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16 mai 1997


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The Washington Post, « Washington Post Virginia Voters Poll, January 1994 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR06616.v1


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In this special topic poll, respondents were asked to identify the biggest problems facing Virginia and to comment on whether things in Virginia were generally going in the right direction or were on the wrong track. In addition, respondents were asked for their views on the November United States Senate race between Charles Robb and Oliver North and whether, given the candidates running, they wished that other people were in the race. They were also asked whether Charles Robb's alleged extra-marital affair and Oliver North's prior involvement in the Iran-Contra affair would affect their vote in the Senate race. The poll also solicited respondents' general impressions of John Warner, Oliver North, George F. Allen, Douglas Wilder, Donald S. Beyer, Charles Robb, Sylvia Clute, and James Miller. Other topics included state funding for prisons, crime, and public schools in the state and in the respondent's neighborhood. Demographic background variables include political orientation, age, race, income, and education.

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