Eurobarometer 43.0: Cross-Border Purchases, Smoking Habits, and Cancer Risks, March-April 1995

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11 juin 1998


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Karlheinz Reif et al., « Eurobarometer 43.0: Cross-Border Purchases, Smoking Habits, and Cancer Risks, March-April 1995 », Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, ID : 10.3886/ICPSR06662.v1


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This round of Eurobarometer surveys queried respondents on standard Eurobarometer measures such as public awareness of and attitudes toward the European Union (EU), and also focused on cross-border purchases, tobacco smoking habits, and risks of cancer. Respondents were queried about what consumer products they purchased from other member countries, their satisfaction with such products, and any complaints made in connection with cross-border purchases. They were also asked about their attitudes and behavior toward smoking, including the type of tobacco products used, the number of cigarettes consumed daily, the desire of smokers to limit their consumption, the attitudes of both smokers and nonsmokers toward the use of tobacco products in public, opinions regarding regulations prohibiting smoking in some public places, feelings about smoke in the workplace, and the advertising of tobacco products. A number of questions dealt with major diseases, the prevention of cancer, conditions causing increased risks of cancer, and knowledge of the "European Code of Cancer" (a set of ten elementary rules, developed by a committee of cancer experts, for the possible prevention of cancer). Demographic and other background information was gathered on the number of people residing in the home, size of locality, household income, and region of residence, as well as the respondent's age, gender, marital status, age when completed education, occupation, previous occupation, and left-right political self-placement.

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